BUT - then I had an idea. My daughter is a cheerleader and we are coming up on cheering competition season. Could I make a cheerleader with the Paper Doll cartridge? I didn't have the cartridge at that point, but I had seen some projects made with it. Angela, who does a lot of amazing projects with Kellie over at Polished to Perfection , is the Cricut queen. So I asked her if the cartridge had a cheerleader. It didn't, so she did some research for me and found a picture on this blog, Cas Rogers, and sent me some specifics on parts and pieces.
I ordered the cartridge and my daughter and I came up with this little sweetie a few nights ago. We didn't have a lot of time so I didn't glitter her up like I would normally do, but I cut quite a few pieces to experiment with.
The girls make locker posters for each other and Alex used it on the one she made.
The cheerleaders
3/16/09 - Update. I see that alot of people have been searching "Cricut Cheerleader" and landing here. If anybody is interested in the "recipe" of the parts and pieces, leave me a comment and I'll post instructions.
UPDATE: I have posted the directions. Please see March 18 blog.
I would LOVE the recipe for cheerleader! I just got the Paper Doll cart and I want to make some cheerleaders. Thanks so much!
I have been searching for the instructions on how to make the cheerleader. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I have the Paper Dolls cartridge, do I need more?
Glenda- I couldn't figure out how to respond to your comment, so hopefully you're checking back. I posted the directions here in a later entry. Depending on what you want to use for pompoms, you only need the Paper Dolls cartridge for the cheerleader itself.
Thanks for posting the recipe...I will try making one today. I do have one questions though...on some of the sites that show the cheerleader with a megaphone, that can be used for journaling. Do you know where to find this?
Glenda here, if you wish to email me directly I have checked the box where to send follow up comments.
I would love the recipe for the cheerleader.
I would love the recipe for the cheerleader. I left my email for followup.
Hey Lisa - I'm still not good at blogging so hopefully you'll check back. I can't figure out where your e-mail address would be! The recipe is on the blog as the March 18th entry. Just shorten up the address in the address bar so you just get the somebodycrapme.blogspot.com and it's the first entry.
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